The Earth is a Life Pod.
God put all the resources to survive a colony upon the Earth.
Problem: There is more than enough food to feed every person. If we are not getting what we need, there is a problem with the economic system. It does not give you enough credits to purchase your foods. Even though the foods are readily available at your doorstep. The foods are actually being thrown away, rotted and disposed of. Didn’t feed the people as God intended.
Complication: The World’s Economic System needs to be Fixed. It shouldn’t be blocking the population’s access to survival resources. The economic system wasn’t designed properly. It should be designed to ensure sustenance to the people, while rewarding them richly for their work. Right now, the system is designed to rip maximal profit from the population — capitalism.
Solution: What we need is a new economic system design besides our basic capitalism and communism. We need a system that enables people to receive more than enough financial credits for their work. Doesn’t always have to be money… but a form of credit that allows people to pay each other something exchangeable for foods and resources. Like Supermarket Food Credits. There is so much value being thrown away everyday by the supermarkets. Those foods are actually a storehouse of wealth! We can release that wealth to the population.
Instead of throwing all the foods away, assign food credits to the population that allow the people to pick up the foods by deducting food credits. Allow people to trade their Supermarket Food Credits with others in exchange for products and services. No more rotting foods! All the food will be distributed! And… it’s a new kind of money for the people — an injection of wealth for the population! Government-assigned Food Credits!
Implementation: Government to tie up with the Local Supermarkets to arrange Food Credits Distribution. If the supermarkets would like to be paid for the produce, our Singapore Government can make a special arrangement for complete distribution of food resources. It is a safe way to inject money into the population. Let people trade the Food Credits for other resources. Everyone will get what they need.
Lance Ong
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Lancism: Wisdom For The Singaporean