Using the powers of psychic clairaudience, God’s Angel Reader, Halabuth, actually managed to contact aliens! What kind of aliens? Gray Aliens!
The Gray Aliens are commonly portrayed as grey coloured egg-headed beings with large black eyes. They come from the constellation called Alpha Centauri. Grey Aliens are wave-energy beings. Meaning that they are phase-shifted. They exist in an ethereal form like spirits and communicate by psychic connection.
To Halabuth’s surprise, the Gray Aliens could actually speak English! They said they had arrived on Earth in the Agrarian Age (farming) and were making crop circles as indicators to their Space Gods of where their spaceship had landed. Many years of living amongst humans had led them to master the various languages of the Earth.
Gray Aliens are mostly ingenious and friendly. Many generations of communicating with the human race. They have many friends and are intensely curious beings. The Gray Aliens actually taught Human Gods their space technology. Thus making the spiritual world a very exciting and advanced frontier.
Halabuth has personally witnessed alien powers like matter manipulation… for example, turning the skin of a red apple into a golden apple — God said this was His Miracle.
Halabuth asked Him, “God, are you an Alien?”
He said, “No… but I have alien friends.”
Aliens do exist in this world. It is at the energy spectrum of invisible waves. Just like how you can’t see a microwave or gamma wave with your naked eye; you can’t see a Gray Alien without spectral equipment.
Halabuth talks to the Gray Aliens by psychic clairaudience (spiritual hearing). They are as close as brothers now. “My alien brothers,” said Halabuth. “Are a really friendly, positive, and ingenious bunch to talk to. If I’m in the spiritual world, I’d like to hang out with them… visit their spaceship.”
If you would like to have an audience with Gray Aliens, join Halabuth in an Angel Reading. Book your appointment by messaging +65 8878 8892