From the Ancient Tradition of Mahayana Buddhism, comes Buddha Karma. Legend has it that Buddha never revealed the secret to his true power. But now… through strategic alliance with Buddha, Halabuth has brought Buddha Karma to Magic Cross. Buddha’s Special Power is finally available to public. All for $33 per month.
What is Buddha Karma? What Can It Do For Me?
To understand this, you must first know what is Karma. Karma is an invisible force of destiny that drives your life events and the flow of what you do and what happens to you. Buddha Karma is a Karmic Power that has the ability to control the occurrences in your life. You can guide yourself from pauper to millionaire through the power of Buddha Karma. You can create the karma to meet your soulmate, cumulating in a happy marriage, all by the magnetism of Buddha Karma. All your dreams can come true through the Guidance and Wisdom of Buddha.
What Problems Can It Solve?
Wealth Blocks — Buddha Karma dissolves barriers to your wealth. No longer will you be blocked from making money or getting that job. Achieve real wealth flow by following Buddha’s Karmic Guidance.
Health Issues — If you feel ill, see a doctor. If you want to receive a miracle healing, try Buddha Karma. Just tell us what health issue you face and the healing will come magically.
Love Lost & Heartbreak — If your relationship was broken, Buddha can help you seek solace. Heart wounds can mend. Sometimes, even relationship separations can heal. Just tell us what you need: WhatsApp +65 8878 8892
Obstacles To Meeting a Soulmate — Finding the right one can be hard… but with Buddha Karma, your exact soulmate will appear and be drawn to you. You can have an amazing first meeting and subsequent beautiful dates.
Needing Safety & Success In Life — People are often challenged by all kinds of spiritual forces when they try to succeed in life. These can be life threatening, especially when you are about to make a lot of money. Dark spirits can kill for money, sex, and power. You need Buddha’s Karmic Force to Protect You.
How Does This Work?
When you activate Buddha Karma, Buddha uses His Prayer drive the karmic force into your life. This Buddha Karma is like a little magic ball that releases power to shift the events and occurences in your life. Even your behaviours and thoughts will receive Buddha Wisdom and Buddha Guidance. The accumulation of all these guided actions and divine thinking will greatly transform your life.
How Is Buddha Karma Unique & Special?
Buddha Karma is a special switch-on magic for your life! Just purchasing a subscription will activate the magic’s flow in your life. Buddha Karma comes every second to guide you. It will help you make the best decisions that shape beautiful outcomes for your life.
Can a Non-Buddhist Use Buddha Karma?
Yes you can. Buddha Karma is non-denominational. Buddha helps anyone who comes to see him. Buddha is Generous to All. Treat Buddha like your Teacher. He is Wise & Giving. He can help you solve most things. Buddhas are experienced in many aspects of life.
How Is Halabuth Related To Buddha?
Halabuth met Buddha while Praying at 光明山佛廟 Kong Meng San Buddhist Monastery in Brighthill, Bishan, Singapore. Halabuth was going through some difficult times then, but Buddha Spoke to him, lifted him out of the shadows and transformed his life. Through Buddha’s Guidance, Halabuth found safety, peace, happiness, and prosperity. After more than 10 years of knowing each other, Buddha finally offered Halabuth his most precious power — Buddha Karma — to sell for Him.
How Much Does It Cost?
Buddha Karma costs SGD $33 per month. You will receive an unlimited Buddha Karma that has the power to alter the course of your life.
Sign Up Now
Click the Paypal Subscription button below to apply for Buddha Karma. Activation is instantaneous. You can then message Halabuth your divine wish that you want Buddha to help you make come true. WhatsApp Buddha & Halabuth: +65 8878 8892. Start today and get your life on track immediately.
Karmic Power of Buddha that can break through all barriers. SGD $33 per month.