Malaysia’s Poor Have Cursed The Rich With A Bad Life…
If we cure the poverty in Malaysia, all the wealthy will have super good life!
People in Malaysia are very poor. Many are struggling to make a living of RM$50 a day (Shophouse Clerk).
I hear spirits from Malaysia complaining that their family has no money. They are actually guardian spirits that visit Singapore by travelling with human family. They come to Singapore to work or study.
The poverty areas are actually outside the city areas. People living in these areas have few businesses in which to make a living from — no jobs available. The problem is serious. I had a female university student messaging me from Malaysia, asking me, a small fortune teller in Singapore, to lend her money. No jobs available in the area.
My uncle, living in Skudai, Johore… his plan is to sell fruits by the roadside. I don’t see any customers for him because the vicinity is remote — ‘ulu’ in Malay.
Suggestion: Malaysian Government, there are many people in your country struggling with poverty. They are living outside the city in remote parts of Malaysia. These isolated people actually need direct cash disbursement to their bank accounts. They are dying from poverty. In addition, these remote populants can be encouraged to open their own micro-businesses with their direct funds from the Malaysian Government. This would liven up the remote areas. Give people things to buy, sell, and do.
Solution: the secret is just to print money and inject it into the population’s bank accounts. The idea is to supplement the people’s income so their basic necessities are met. They can then have savings to do micro-business with. This will grow their income incredibly — Kickstart their remote area economies.
Government-Funded Micro-Businesses
The little shops or micro-businesses the people will set up in the remote areas, will most likely be unprofitable. But, they are paid by the Malaysian Government to stay open to provide for the people in the area.
Your Reward
Helping the Malaysia’s Poor solve their poverty problem will have incredible karmic blessings for the Malaysian Government. It will be like an iron door will open; the bolt will be released. All the Good Life will rush in for Malaysia’s Governance. All the Governmental Families will benefit. Everyone will be healthy, wealthy, happy, and loved.
Our Reward
Singapore is on the tip of Malaya. There is also a curse upon Singapore to be poor until Malaysia is wealthy. So if The Poor of Malaysia receive your Government Financial Aid — direct cash disbursements to their bank accounts, all paid by Malaysian Government License To Print Money — The Curse Will Be Lifted…Singapore’s shipping port will flourish, the spiritual quality of our imported water will become wealthy, Singapore’s people in poverty will end — all will begin to flourish and more.
If it’s important to have a wealthy country where everyone is happy and well taken care of, this move will bring you ultimate rewards. All you have to do, Malaysia, is to flourish all these impoverished areas. Give your population monthly cash disbursements, have government funding schemes for people to open micro-businesses, and teach the people how to make money.
For example, we give you 3000RM a month to open a food stall in a remote area food court. Stall owners make it a point to sell food cheap. Just operate the food stall daily to feed customers. Don’t need to worry about sales.
Inject cash directly into people’s bank accounts. This is known as Universal Basic Income. This will supplement many Malaysian families’ incomes. Give enough money to cover every person’s basic neccessities. If they want to be rich, they will have to work for it. But, the Malaysian Government will make sure you never go hungry or homeless.
Spending Government Money like this is known as Fiscal Stimulus, for helping the economy recover from Recessions. There have been multiple Recessions already — many paycuts and much joblessness. People are poor and earning little or nothing. We need to do something about it.
Give people a free basic income, and then encourage them to learn how to make money — how to get jobs, set up business, rent out rooms, drive a taxi etc. Minister, I have foreseen great karmic blessings for you: Work on this action and You will see all this Good Life For Malaysia’s Governance suddenly rush in like a Typhoon.
Governor, Gather Forces For This Move. Inform your Malaysian Ministers first, and see if you can gather a team to work on this. Solving poverty will really work miracles for Malaysia. Everyone will flourish — health, wealth, joy, and happiness — Ultimate Life. I can see it happen already. It is akin to opening the Dragon Gates of Malaysia.
Thank You and Good Luck!
Angel Reader
Magic Cross