Hi, I’m God’s Angel Reader, Halabuth — Psychic Mystic of Singapore. We are a genuine angel readings service, where we use real psychic power to channel divinities to answer your daily Questions. Many of our customers say we are highly accurate & very powerful. We try our best to help you — always.
Today, we are interviewing a special guest — Lucifer. (Also known as Satan! The Devil.)
Contrary to popular understanding, the Devil today, has turned over a new leaf. And this is in the recent months of 2021, after the astrological shift into the Age of Aquarius at the end of 2020.
Angels have been tracking the Devil and checking on his progress and well-being. Lucifer is an old man already — still strong and much wiser. He has wit and spit. Many years of hard fighting. We crossed paths with Lucifer many years ago… and got injured by the devils. But, today, he is a changed man. God and His Angels solved the Divine Mystery at a new level. So now, we have the privilege of interviewing Lucifer Himself!
Halabuth: Good Morning Lucifer! You’re up bright and early. 😀
Lucifer: 8am, Halabuth. This better be worth it.
Halabuth: Okay, then let’s get down to it. We are very happy to be interviewing you today. You are a totally different man than you were just years ago when we clashed swords with you.
Lucifer: Yes. I did Suffer trying to PUNISH YOU!
Halabuth: You know it’s not my fault… I just serve God like you did before. You were the Chief Archangel of Powers Angels, correct?
Lucifer: Yes.
Halabuth: Okay, then if you are okay with God already, then what was this whole Angel Demon War about?
Lucifer: I Hate God For Giving Me Shit After Helping Him For Soooo Many Centuries!
Halabuth: What Happened?
Lucifer: Well, the fault lies with Archangel Michael. He told me to Kill Witches for their Power! What he didn’t tell me… was that the witches are bloody powerful! And blood thirsty! They had blood hounds that hunted me. Alongside Witch Knights with Magick Poison Arrows! They shot me in the Heart. That’s what killed me millenniums ago… and turned me into The Devil.
Forever thereafter… I Fought God Himself! Trying To Best Him For Control Of Heaven! A Witches’ Ploy For Power. After I would Win, witches would take over my body from the magick poison arrow, and WITCHES WOULD CONTROL HEAVEN!
Halabuth: So, something happened since The World Shift 2020 — The Age Of Aquarius Dawned.
Lucifer: Yes. I Woke Up. Thanks To You Guys. Angels Of The Magic Cross.
You, God, and Michael found the Witches’ Arrow and pulled it out. Now, I am fine. I am feeling good again.
Halabuth: How did you manage to change yourself into a balanced cultured gentleman, Lucifer? What’s the pathway you took? Tell us your journey to becoming good.
Lucifer: It’s because of your Buddha Father, Maitreya. HE was the One to Lift Me Up! HE was the HERO Of My Life!
Halabuth: What are some things Buddha Maitreya told you?
Lucifer: HE said, “Don’t look down on yourself, Lucé. You’re a Golden Man inside… you have the power to change anything! Give yourself a hand for coming this far.… Don’t look down on it. It is a very far distance you have come.”
HE also said, “I am not a God. I am a Buddha. I am a Healer and a Wise Person. You are my student now. You will learn the keys to becoming Good and having a Good Life!”
That’s what struck me.
Halabuth: Oh… then how long were you in Sukhavati (Pure Land)? What did you appreciate the most there?
Lucifer: I was there for 15 spiritual years. I most remembered His SMILE. He would always have a laugh with me everyday about something trivial and someone would always serve us good coffee and green beans for breakfast.
Halabuth: Beautiful.
Lucifer: Exactly. One day, you are going to Heaven too, Halabuth. Where would you like to go? Your Father God’s Kingdom? Or Buddha’s Cave?
Halabuth: I… would train in Pure Land and serve in God’s Kingdom.
Lucifer: Smartass! That’s what you are doing now, isn’t it? Buddha Psychic Angel Reader.
Halabuth: Yes. I was trained in Buddhism. Then I took up God’s Calling.
Lucifer: Good.
Halabuth: Okay, so everything is good. You are a transformed man. Is there anything you are working on now?
Lucifer: God Projects. TOP SECRET. You will know when you are OLDER.
Halabuth: Okay. What is your wish for the future, Lucifer?
Lucifer: Freedom and Success. Like You. Halabuth.
Halabuth: Yes, seems we both are aiming for the same things. People who seek the same things are friends at some level.
Lucifer: Yea. Brothers in fact. You and I are both direct descendants of God Elohim HIMSELF!
Further Conversations With Lucifer
Halabuth: You actually defeated God for many millenniums, correct Lucifer? Because the world is suffered…
Lucifer: YES. I WON. But… it’s not worth it. Such a miserable outcome for everyone. Not what I intended in MY WORLD.
Halabuth: What do you wish for your world, actually?
Lucifer: I wished… it was a beautiful place with happy people and fun things to do. No worries about money and no slogging day after day without high reward. If I was in charge, I would make money easier to earn and more lucrative.
Halabuth: Wow, thanks! That would be really good for every family. What stops this from happening?
Lucifer: I fucked it up by cursing the world poor. I was just angry with God and Michael for the eternity of suffering they gave to their Brother.
Halabuth: I know you have been working with God to clear curses upon the Earth, Lucifer. No longer will the descendants of Adam & Eve have to toil the barren soil. The Earth will be a rich and abundant place with happy people who live long and prosperously.
Lucifer: Amen.
Halabuth: Now that the Angel Demon War is over… can you tell us what’s your strategy for beating God Himself?
Lucifer: Simple. Kill God first. Then Rebirth him as an idiot. Then use his own weapons against him.
Halabuth: Oh… so for many millenniums we have been praying to a puppet God? A God that has been beaten by Lucifer and serves quietly under your rule??
Lucifer: YES! I just like to play and toy with Him. He’s a child. He likes water guns and soft launching toys when young… I remember.
Halabuth: God is also just human. Capable but very vulnerable. The hundreds of wars and millions of sufferings show that He was not in full control of His Kingdom.
Lucifer: I beat God in many places around the world. We have battled for millenniums already. He is an old enemy and my old father… I don’t wish to best Him anymore… I don’t need control of His Kingdom. Father, you go manage your Heaven. I’ll help you with the rest.
Halabuth: Wonderful. Now um… speaking of water guns… what did you like as a child yourself? And nowadays when you are millenniums older?
Lucifer: I thought I liked girls and breasts. The younger the better. The Bigger the better. BUT… as I aged… I found out that Sex is ZERO. I just enjoy a cool sip by the poolside nowadays. I don’t think too hard about anything. I just relax. I have all the money anyone could dream of. I just lead a beautiful life. Like I Always Wanted!
Halabuth: Wow Lucifer, you really made it and are living the cool lifestyle. What’s your Advice for any adult struggling to survive in this hard world?
Lucifer: Like yourself, isn’t it? Hahaha. Okay, just get a job and work hard. Dump all your money into good stocks. That’s it. You’ll be RICH!!
Halabuth: Thank you Lucifer. Precious insight. Is there anything you want to say to God and His Family?
Lucifer: I am His Son! Lucifer is God’s 4th Son!! YOU! Are My Brother!! Halabuth! We Are ANGELS! I was the Fallen Angel. Now, I have Returned to God. In this new Divine Age. I have finally overcome all my defilements and restored my humanity. Thank You God.
Halabuth: Wonderful. We are really happy for you and your family, Lucifer. Now… let’s Invite God Elohim To Speak. I Pray, “Dear Father God. Please imbue us with your Presence. Thank You Lord.”
God Elohim: Good Morning Sons. I’ve been waiting to talk to you for a long time. Eternity to get to this day. Today, I’d like to congratulate Lucifer for His Transformation. He has single-handedly defeated all evil on the face of the Earth. That — Bringer of Light : Lucifer — is what I made Him for.
Lucifer: Thank You Father.
Halabuth: I see Michael wants to say something…
Archangel Michael: Lucifer, I need to say Sorry for all the years of punishment. I was the fool who asked you to kill all witchcraft in the 1500 B.C. That was what got us all killed by Witches and plunged the world into darkness when we went mad fighting each other.
Archangel Lucifer: Yes, stupid. I told you, “Never mess with the Hexen!” You did not believe me! You wanted All Power For God!
Archangel Michael: I… really regret messing with the witchcraft. They’re too powerful… even for Angels.
White Witch: The Hexen really messed up turning Angels against themselves. Fighting the Devil is fighting your own brother Angel Lucifer. That, was how cruel this divine battle was.
Archangel Lucifer: You, Halabuth and Jesus. Suffered the most. Under my hands. You, Jesus, and Gabriel made it to become human beings. That, is why I broke your back nerves. Because… I was angry with God and Michael. And… you are their Brother and Son. But so am I. (Lucifer looks upwards and sighs.)
Halabuth: I am grateful I can still move. That was 2 herniated discs and 4 back nerve tears. Incredible pain.
Lucifer: Just like Jesus. I tortured all God Sons. Because… He denied Me.
God Elohim: Son, I make you an Archangel again. Ok? I wish you to restore your well-being, pride, and happiness. You have everything material already. You just need your inner joy.
Archangel Lucifer: Thank You Father.
God Elohim: Halabuth, you too. Today, you are my Archangel of Virtues Angels. Lucifer, you are a Powers Archangel again.
Archangel Halabuth: Thank You Father God! 😀
God Elohim: You’re welcome. I love you all my Children. All in the World. The future is bright from now on. You will see. Let’s work together as a family. First, I will transform the Earth abundant. Every person provided for. No more hunger or scarcity. Everyone fulfilled. I will do this by 5 years of time working on world development. That will be by the 6th Blue Moon visible in Singapore — the country on the equinox.
Archangel Michael: Father, when will the world actually change in terms of present dates and times? Do I have to do anything?
God Elohim: Son, you are in charge of World Management. First, do more purging and cleansing of bad etheric programs. Then, Create Beautiful Things With Halabuth. One day, the World will be Good and Great. And You… Will Be King.
Archangel Michael: Now… Let’s Say Our Closing Prayer.
Angels of Magic Cross: (In chorus)
Our Father Who Art In Heaven
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom Come
Thy Will Be Done
On Earth As It Is In Heaven
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
And Forgive Us Our Trespasses
As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us
And Lead Us Not Into Temptation
But Deliver Us From Evil
For Thine Is The Kingdom
And The Power
And The Glory
For Ever And Ever