Fast Cars, Clubbing, and Fantasies Filling Your Lives?
My friend, we are not getting any younger…. no one pays attention to the subtle cultivation of character anymore…. It all seems to be that people are denigrating. “Big boobies, softer tushies, fast cars, love triangles, rat races, and even my dog is cuter than yours.”
Let’s face it. People are stuck. In a world of Hedonistic Indulgence or at least they aspire to it. They get caught up in what everyone else is doing, which is making money and trying to enjoy themselves. People follow the herd and if the herd says “Let’s party!” Then they all do.
Good people don’t follow the herd. They follow the path of self-cultivation and due dilligence. They become Leaders of the Good Pack rather than the Slaves of Hedonism.
There was a young man called Lance Ong, who is neither a rebel nor a genius. But a simple young man with his head screwed on tight. Lance Ong wanted to teach people to Avoid the Hedonistic Trap and Use their Force of Character to Mould Truth, Meaning, and Happiness in Life.
Lancism Life Wisdom is his Journal of Deepest Thoughts he wished to pass on to people who are trapped in the cycle of earning and spending in a luxurious world. These are his writings to help you find Truth, Meaning, and Happiness in Life.
How Old is Lance Ong, actually?
Lance Ong was 24 when he began writing his journal. He wrote it for 4 years till he was 28. Everything this observant young man would find interesting and even painful and funny can be found in his little dirty journal.
So what’s inside?
This journal compiles all his highest truths over four full years. You will read things that, for example, give you a Bird’s Eye View of Lust and Sex Addiction from the viewpoint of a virile young man. You will learn about the Two Heads men have and how the vicious Titty-tainment of the world suppresses us.
You will be guided to understand Truths about Love which will lead you to finding a True Partner who loves You for YOU rather than Who you are, not what you look like or how much money you have. These are Three Articles in the All About Love series, where Lance acts as Aunt Agony, answering heart-wrenched jilted men and giving them pointers on how to get the girl of their dreams.
You will even see how Lance survives a car accident where he barely scrapes by with his head in “Life And Death In A Day”. Check out how his favourite little Mr Bean Car might have made it to Car Heaven.
On a higher note, Lance wants to share with you his Philosophy For Greatness and where a man can learn to be a Man’s Man in the beautiful article, “The Measure Of A Man”. Then he goes on to teach you Moral Consciousness in the “Three Pillars Of Righteous Living”, where the message speaks, “To master your destiny, you must first master your Self.” Use these principles to craft your memetic legacy.
In this secret journal, we also uncover The World’s Greatest Lie and understand How it drags down everyone who believes in it.
In another article, we hear Lance describe the Secret World of Spirits and their Unfathomable Lives. Did you know Ghosts and Spirits exist? For REAL?! Let Lance tell you….
Lance then talks about the M-word – MONEY. Without it, where are you? Who are you? Learn what it takes to transfer yourself from the DUMPSTERS to the Cruiseship of Paradise!
Lancism Life Wisdom is a Journal of Beautiful Writings. Finely crafted and humorously phrased. Great for an excellent bedtime read.
It represents all of a young man’s highest learnings and wisdom. Drink Deep from Good Authors, it is often said. And THIS GUY is definitely one of them.
At the tender age of 17, Lance Ong became one of the World’s Youngest Trainers of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. A true prodigy.
Reading this Journal, you take a refreshing view of an eccentric young man’s mind and allow it to delight your mental tastebuds. Buy this Journal and read it from cover to cover. Then share it with a friend for laughs. It is truly a Gift from The Heart.
About This Book
Lancism Life Wisdom is all about the funny and wise truths of life. Reading it, you will chuckle as these humorous insights enlighten your perspective of life.
A lancism is a wit and wisdom from Lance. A wise and funny truth. Take all these lancisms to heart, as they are powerful guideposts for your life.
About The Author
Lance Ong is Psychic Angel Reader of Magic Cross. A psychic readings business situated in Singapore. Lance is a Master Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming, and Practitioner of Hypnotherapy and Timeline Therapy.
Using a combination of Divination, Philosophy, and Neuro Linguistic Programming, Lance has helped many individuals achieve personal success in life.
His amazing one-to-one angel reading consultations and angel therapy healing sessions have received high praise as he successfully guides people to their right paths and helps them heal, transform, and make their beautiful lives come true.
Lance’s wish as an author is to help more people transform their lives through a combination of wit, wisdom, and humour. A writer-thinker who’s work transforms your life.
Lancism Life Wisdom Book Contents
Warm-Up: Lancism Humour
Ignorance — Not Knowing The Difference
Lancism… On Life Situations
Lancism… On Giving Up In Life
Lancism… On Getting Injured
Liquid Tips For Better Health
Lancism… On What It Means To Be A FAT BOY
Does Having Muscles Really Help You Get Girls??
The Witches Said Wide-Eyed… “A Maaaaan!”
Don’t Doodad Yourself!
Classic Wisdom About Money
Part 1: Controlling Lust and Sexual Energy
Discover The Secret of Sex Transmutation
“Titty-Tainment”- The Vicious Success Suppressant
The Two Heads
Where Is Happiness?
Part 2: Moral Philosophy
The Golden Rule: “Do Unto Others As You Would Have Others Do Unto You”
The Measure Of A Man
Three Pillars of Righteous Living: “Controlling Your Thoughts To Control Your Life”
Making Conscious Choices
Part 3: Achieving Personal Greatness
If You Want To Be Young & Successful, Use Time Wisely.
The Magic of Dreaming Big
Pursue Your Interests To Find Your Talent
Money, Money, Come To Me!
Formula For Success
Part 4: Life Wisdom
How To Have A Beautiful Life In A Mad Dash Society
Competing With Others
If You Want To Be Happy, Sense The Flowers
Never Be Afraid To Approach The Hunk Or Babe
The World’s Greatest Lie
Part 5: Spiritual Awareness
SPIRITS – The World We Cannot See
Life & Death In A Day
Almost Died Today
The Power Of Sixth Sense
The Soul’s Path
Part 6: All About Love
Can’t Find A Partner
Finding A Suitable Partner
Creating Lasting Love
Part 7: A Letter To Governments
All this Wisdom and Knowledge and Good Spirit worth Millions of Dollars in Experience… poured out for less than a few cents per page? That’s Mind-Blowing AWESOME VALUE!
Sample Of Chapter 3: The Two Heads
Men have two heads. The big head, and the little head (the smaller purple one). The problem is, in the average male, although the purple head is smaller, it’s also more powerful than the big head. That’s why they say, “It has a mind of its own.”
Many times when I suggest that men should practice self-control, discipline, and restraint, I know it’s not easy. As a male, I know how powerful the little head can be. Why do you think psychologists say men have a sexual thought every 20 seconds? That’s the little head doing the thinking. And if you think with your little head, it’s going to lead you around by the ‘you know what’, and cause you to waste time, money, and energy. Resources which can be put to better use.
Sample Of Chapter 6: The Measure of A Man
#1 A Man Must Be Bold
In Chinese philosophy, a man’s body composes mainly of Yang Chi – the essence of male energy, representing vigour and vitality. Yang is forceful, the aggressor, and symbolised by fire and heat. Women on the other hand, compose of Yin Chi, the cooling, receptive energy that surrounds everything. Yin is subtle, the receiver, and represented by flowing water.
Being a man, it is your duty to represent the essence of Yang Chi. There is no time for beating around the bush, being too shy to ask for what you want, and being unsure of yourself. You have to be bold; it is your duty to be bold. You are the Yang, the aggressor. If you want to know a woman, you have to make the approach. You can’t possibly wait for her to make the approach, she’s Yin. She’s the shy, receptive one who is waiting for you to approach her. Let her be the Yin, don’t try to reverse roles and be the shy man who can’t even say ‘Hi’. I’ve never heard someone say, “Hah, he’s such a wuss for thinking she would even talk to him…” What you will usually hear is, “Wow man, you’ve got guts! I wish I could do that.”
Sample Of Chapter 5: The Golden Rule
“Do Unto Others As You Would Have Others Do Unto You…”
Do you notice if you smile at someone, most likely they will smile back at you? If you pat someone on the back to as if to say ‘hey buddy’, you will get many pats on your back too? This is a reciprocal world. You get what you give out. And as they say… Love begets Love, Hate begets Hate. So if you want the world to treat you better, treat it better first. Say more thank yous, more good mornings, pardon me(s), and I’m sorrys. Pay back what you owe, open more doors for others, and help more old people cross the street. More importantly, always be polite, never hurt others, and always tell the truth. These are basic principles that never go out of style.
You must, must Read This Journal NOW! Even the most seasoned reader is going to chuckle at Lance’s insights.
You must absolutely buy this book before it is rewritten by old man Lance. Wise, fresh, and funny characterises this book. Wisdom for a beautiful life is what this book promises.