Sometimes men go around thinking they can have sex with as many women as possible and go scot-free. However, there are many perils and dangers to separating with your affair, girlfriend, or wife. This article will tell men how to stay safe when it comes to love, find the right partner, and avoid the rageful consequences of romantic breakup.
- Dangers of Separating With An Affair, Your Wife, Or Girlfriend.
The old saying is true… “Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned.” Health, Wealth, and Success degrade like crazy if you separate with your wife, girlfriend, or affair. That is an old curse that remains true to this day.
Upon separation, a 10 Years Poverty Curse is also a common thing. Men go absolutely broke, make the worst business decisions… lose it all and can’t earn it back. Plus, if he was was married, 50% of assets usually have to go to his ex-wife.
- Choosing a Partner Carefully.
Choose your spouse carefully. You have one chance to get it right. That’s why Dating before Marriage is usually 2-3 years long. Partners are building a relationship, checking for compatibility, seeing whether the future will be bright together.
After love is confirmed compatible and future outcomes have been verified, couples commit to supporting each other thoroughout life in a lifetime commitment we call a Marriage. A lifetime commitment is a serious promise. It musn’t be broken, or else there will be serious consequences like spiritual attacks from angry spirit relatives.
If you’re wondering why a man can drown in poverty after a 2-year affair, it is because of dark magick curses and spirit attacks from enraged girlfriend’s spirit relatives. So… be mindful whose heart you capture, breaking that heart can be a disaster for your own life.
- Not Letting Your Little Head Overpower Your Big Head.
Sometimes men go into relationships by their sexual instinct rather than by their hearts and minds. That’s called thinking with your little head — the smaller, more purple one. Men need to use the Heart-Mind and the Big Mind (Brain) to make their love decisions. Don’t let the little head fool you into thinking that you should go after all sexy women.
There are real consequences for hooking up and breaking with women. You need to conservatively choose who you want to spend your time, money, love, and energy with. Don’t start on a relationship disaster that could cause you great damage and suffering later. Like poison fruit… swallow one mouthful and puke forever.
Men should try to catch their soulmate — invest all your time, money, love, and energy in her. Your one true love. She is the Mother of your unborn children. Treasure and cherish her with all your heart; forsaking other women to be loyal to her.
If a man has a good relationship with his wife, he is more likely to succeed in life.
- Realities of Attracting a Mate.
When a girl dates a guy or marries a man, she is giving him all her youth, time, and energy. A ‘women’s market’ for getting a man is… She is hot property from 16 to 35 years old. Once she crosses her prime ages, her beauty degrades, she might not be able to birth children anymore… those are major concerns for the male side’s family.
‘Men’s Market’ for getting a woman is… He is more and more valuable, the richer and more handsome he becomes. Even in older age, a man can still be hot property to women. Like George Clooney.
Old Prince or Young Prince, a man must still become a Prince to attract a Premium Girlfriend. Like Walt Disney’s Ali Baba? A street muskrat with the help of a blue genie, becomes the Prince of Baghdad and marries the Princess.
A man must be considerate for the woman. She has limited shelf life. If you intend to marry her, then keep on dating her till you propose. If you don’t intend to marry her, don’t drag her on. Her guardian spirits will blame you greatly if you use up a significant portion of her pretty years without committing to take care of her for life.
- Why Avoid Prostitution.
Prostitutes also have ghost guardian spirits watching over them. They can be unkind to clients. Bang a prostitute, and the ghost spirits will drain your wealth karma because they want to be rich, use magick to give you balding; degrade your body muscle tissue so you become fat and weak, curse you with 5 years of poverty and more. There is high damage to your life from these ‘nocturnal sexcapades’. Even though the girls are way hot, you should still refrain from indulging. If you have sex addiction you would like to quit, consider seeing a sex addiction therapist. It’s about the same cost as one session with a hot prostitute. However, just three or four sessions of sex addiction therapy and you’ll be free for life. That’s worthwhile use of your money. A life free of sex addiction is the ultimate bang for your buck.
- Why Never Fall In Love With A Prostitute.
Prostitutes have bedded many men in their lifetimes. The prostitute girl is no stranger to the dark psyche and disgusting nature of men. You can’t expect her to be a beautiful virtuous wife to you for all life… she has been through too much sexual suffering; too much torture of the psyche and self-esteem.
She has real rancid emotional problems which are impossible to solve. Probably issues like being orphaned by her parents and raped by her uncle when she was young…. This psychological damage and plenty of ghost spirits controlling her, pulled her into a life of prostitution for 20 years before you met her. The damage is almost irreparable, even by a psychologist.
So Guys, if you know you are going to commit to taking care of a woman for life… don’t embroil yourself with a woman who could kill you with her craziness. She could take $50 for sex and get pregnant with your neighbour’s son while your two kids are in school! Her ghost guardians will put wealth-draining magick in your beer because they don’t feel rich no matter how much allowance you give her. Without that wealth karma, you won’t have that promotion at work, or your customer flow in business will stop. How are you going to take care of the family with all these disasterous actions being done?
So guys… don’t become a victim of a life of suffering. The spirit, heart, and mind of your wife are very important. Body figure is only temporary…. What’s important, is that your wife has the spirit, heart, and mind cultivation to care for you. Squeezing breasts, is something you will get bored of after 5 days. If she starts shouting at you and nagging you for money, while wearing her low-cut tank top, then you will start to hate breasts. In Teochew, there is a saying… “Angry Ne Ne Pok” (angry breasts).
- Women Are Beautiful, But A Man Must Be Wise.
Everyone grows old. Compatibility is the most important factor when choosing a lifelong partner. Don’t yearn for a woman just because she is beautiful. Really stand there and talk to her. See if she is the right one for you. You could chase a woman like a madman, destroying all her suitors so you can capture her, only to realize that you married someone very incompatible with you. Nagging, fighting, and arguing… totally not your ideal woman. Because you had not done your research at the start. You followed your imagination of thinking she is the perfect woman, without verifying it by real conversation; plenty of dating and eye gazing to see if you have soulmate connection. Use your Wisdom when it comes to selecting a partner. It is a lifelong commitment that you have to get right — the first time.
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