The Ultimate Course To Unleash Real Psychic Powers!
Course: Magic Cross Psychic Training
Venue: Magic Cross — 47 Springleaf Rise Singapore 788026
Facilitator: Halabuth
Dates: Open Date – Choose Any 5 Days To Train With Halabuth
Time: Anytime. 4 Hour Lesson Each Day.
Cost: $5000 SGD. Payable by Monthly Instalments – Arrange with Halabuth.
Arrange Now: Call or WhatsApp +65 8878 8892
Talk to spirits, be able to communicate with the invisible.
Know what the other party is really thinking.
Channel the words of Buddha, Angels, Gods and more.
Be able to hold a conversation with God.
Give genuine spiritual advice to people.
Predict the future by spiritual information or clairaudience.
Write spiritual books; all by your psychic claircognizance.
See the future by spiritual eye or clairvoyance.
Be able to feel and describe spiritual energies by clairsentience & psychometry.
Know your divine origins and your heavenly ranks in a stunning past-life revelation!
Learn directly from invisible spirit teachers using your clairaudience spiritual hearing powers!
Psychic Training Class is Now OPEN.
In a Revolutionary Psychic Training Program, Halabuth Reveals To You The SECRETS of Developing Real Psychic Powers.
Over 5 Full Days of Intensive Activation Training, You Will Learn The Secret Methods For Spiritual Awakening. Using a Combination of Buddhist Meditation and Chakra Activation, the mental energies flowing through your body can be cultivated to unleash true psychic gifts.
SGD $5000 Buys 5 Days of One-To-One Training.
That Gives You The Power To Become Psychic.
Day 1: Temple Visit For Indoctrination
Day 2: Chakra Meditations
Day 3: Methods For Unleashing Psychic Gifts
Day 4: Practical Applications of Psychic Power
Day 5: Developing Supernormal Ability
Register For Psychic Training Class Now. Book With Magic Cross — Call or Whatsapp +65 8878 8892.
Students Graduate With Psychic Certification
“What Can I Do With Psychic Power?”
Write a spiritual book. Like Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch. He speaks with God and writes down the whole dialogue in a book.
Record Audio. Record and Sell Your Own Audio Programs Based On Talking With The Spirit World.
Open a Psychic Reading Business. You can earn back your entire tuition fee in two months of operating your own psychic reading business.
Get a Career in the Spiritual Field. Make a living by offering your service to advise people spiritually — psychic counsellor, spiritual pastor, temple medium; psychic marketer, intuitive CEO; military psycomms officer (psychic communications), police paranormal investigator; spiritual teacher, magician or bomoh, telephone psychic.
Know The True Nature of All Things. There are many unexplained phenomenona in the Universe. Be the person to know and explain these things to the world. With Psychic Claircognizance (spiritual knowing), you can explain the nature of all phenomenons.
See The Future. Receive visions and insights into what will happen to yourself, to others, and to the world. If you master this, one modern kind of job is a Futurist like Michio Kaku.
Join The Ranks of The Mystics. In the past, these powers of prediction belonged to Prophets like Moses, Elijah, even the Oracle of Delphi. They could speak on behalf of Gods and tell you insights which are astonishingly true. They helped populations and cities avert disaster and flourish success.
“Who’s My Teacher?”
Halabuth had a Zen Spiritual Awakening in 2012. While meditating, he heard a voice speak to him; it said, “I AM GOD.”
Halabuth was taught to speak to spirit, see with the divine eye, hear with the divine ear, feel spiritual energies, and receive divine thoughts. With these psychic abilities, God offered him a job. “Work for me as an Angel Reader, the pay is adequate. Help me awaken people to their spiritual nature.”
Halabuth accepted. And thus was born Magic Cross Psychic Readings.
Now, You Too Can Develop Psychic Abilities In This Revolutionary Psychic Training With Halabuth.
Divine Spiritual Power Attunement
Exclusive One-To-One Individual Psychic Training
Train with Master Halabuth personally under direct tutelage. There is only one student – You. All his attention is focused on your learning progress. You will receive immediate feedback on every move you make, right or wrong. Learn the exact techniques of Spiritual Awakening. Receive direct transmission from a Master. You will definitely Accomplish Psychic Power!
Student Testimonial: “Dialogue With Inner Mentors”
Halabuth is a very down to earth teacher. The meditation techniques he is teaching are easily applicable and at the same time effective. For a beginner like me who always has a hard time trying to meditate, I am now able to meditate daily without any difficulties. This program has also brought so many answers I was asking for. With time, the answers brought more empowerment and peace within myself as I came to know the reasons for certain blockages I have been facing. The techniques and tools (e.g. your own blessed by Buddha meditation cushions) that are given is at the main source, yourself. Very beautiful and magical. I highly recommend this course for any spiritual warrior who wishes to be more connected to Buddha and the spiritual realm.
~~ CWJ, Singapore
“He Gave Me The Knowledge Regarding The Spiritual World…”
I’ve been spending alot of money for a few years to get my psychic readings from different people. Till one day… I said to myself that I might as well be a psychic myself rather than spending money on others. I found Halabuth on Google and contacted him. It took a few hours for him to get back to me. I told him about my interest in becoming a psychic — to help myself and others.
Halabuth is a very patient person. He teaches me step by step with regards to being a psychic. Halabuth is a down-to-earth person. He gave me the knowledge regarding the spiritual world… I was not aware of it’s existence. He shared a lot of his experience about being a psychic. I highly recommend this course for those who want to connect themselves with the spiritual world and be a healer.
North Singapore
“I Felt An Inner Sense Of Belonging And Knowing…”
Ever felt like there was something missing from the current life you are having but couldn’t pinpoint why you felt that way? Or having unexplained encounters that couldn’t relate with anyone else? On many occasions when I wondered what my true life purpose is, seeing fortune tellers became an avenue to seek answers on questions that I couldn’t even verbalize. Interestingly, the ones that struck me most were those who could see, feel, hear and communicate with entities/energies, and I was able to receive salient advice from them. Call it fate or divine calling, but meeting Halabuth and learning more about the spiritual world was a huge turning point for me. Understanding more about my past lives and my divine heritage gave me more insights as to who I really am and more importantly for the first time in my life, I felt an inner sense of belonging and knowing. The path of spiritual awakening is a lifelong journey, and a good mentor is hard to come by. I am really glad for this opportunity to learn and finally taking the leap to start developing that sense of connection with something bigger than myself.
Alicia Lim Xin Ying
“I Really Enjoyed The Classes And Always Looked Forward To Them.”
From young, I was always into astrology, psychic reading and more. My life had so many things happening, so I was always searching for something that could help me in my life. Recently, I lost my dear sister and that pushed my whole life down to a zero level. I happened to seek a tarot card reading which was the first time in my life. After that, suddenly I had this interest to learn tarot cards and start reading for people. Just as I was browsing, Magic Cross just happened to appear before me and said courses are offered. From the time I visited Master Halabuth, I had the real urge to learn from him. Everything he said was so spot on. Now I’m really looking at him as my mentor and am really very glad to have met him. I really enjoyed the classes and always looked forward to them. As a person who cannot sit still for 5 minutes in any prayers, now I’m amazed how I’m able to meditate with master’s teachings. He is so down-to-earth and replies to all my messages. Once again thank you so much for your guidance and for mentoring me. Thanks!
Salamath Begum
Course: Magic Cross Psychic Training
Venue: Magic Cross — 47 Springleaf Rise Singapore 788026
Facilitator: Halabuth
Dates: Open Date – Choose Any 5 Days To Train With Halabuth
Time: Anytime. 4 Hour Lesson Each Day.
Cost: $5000 SGD. Payable by Monthly Instalments – Arrange with Halabuth.
Arrange Now: Call or WhatsApp +65 8878 8892
Psychic Power is real and powerful. Once you learn the applications of psychic power that Halabuth will teach you, you will truly be a Master of Your Destiny.
Book a Free 1-Hour Personal Preview Presentation to ask questions and learn more about Magic Cross Psychic Training. Arrange With Magic Cross — Call or WhatsApp +65 8878 8892

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