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In this COVID Pandemic, many people are struggling to earn enough to survive. There are fewer transactions occurring as people try to save every dollar. There is a worldwide COVID Recession ongoing, which is strangling the people’s pocketbooks.
It is also not easy to get money…. Financial aid means testing is too stringent — you got to be broke before you can qualify for handouts. Plus, they don’t give you enough to comfortably feed your family. If you can’t make money, you’re fried!
God Has A Plan For Sustenance
This plan has come into reality — conceived from the divine thought and written as a proposal called Universal Basic Income. This plan is to give every human being a staple income of $1000 USD per month or more, regardless of status or financial background — no means testing — everyone universally qualified.
They don’t need to check whether you are earning less than a few hundred a month… or whether you have no home…. “How low do you need me to go before you give me some nourishment?”
Universal Basic Income To Save The Day!
God wants every child (We are all Children of God) to have an allowance of $1000 USD per month or more. This will pay for your meals and maybe a portion of your essential bills. In some countries where Universal Basic Income has been implemented, the allowance is as high as $3,000 USD or more. And, they are successful. God never wants any child to go hungry…. So, He Gives His Universal Basic Income Plan For All Governments To Implement.
Where Does The Money Come From?
The money to be issued to the people as monthly Universal Basic Income, comes from each country’s Central Bank. And, this is not tax money. This is to be COMPUTER-ISSUED MONEY — the money that is PRINTED to build the country’s infrastructure.
Just Tap The Central Bank’s Computer Keyboard To Create The Money.
How many trillions do you want today, Sir? Tap. Tap. Tap. That’s it. You have trillions of dollars from the computer. Just issue this money, Governments. You are already using it to build incredible Metro Subways and Entire Cities…. Just take this Central Bank Issued Money and give the people an allowance.
“What is this Central Bank Infrastructure Money? How come I never heard of it?”
Your government obviously did not build the country with tax money…. Most people don’t even have enough income to pay taxes. They are relieved of all tax payment. So where does your government get all its money to build the country’s cities, roads, metro subways, buildings, hospitals, amenities and more? Certainly not from the money you give them, right? What money do you have to pay your government? Many people are playing a zero sum game with their life. Money in – money out. No savings. Definitely not from the government’s trade, right? You think your government is a super businessman? The governor has an unlimited source of income for building cities! It is the right to request money from the Central Bank and it is issued in the trillions per day! Now, the government does not spend all this money, much of it is kept in the RESERVES. What the governments need to do, is just create a Universal Basic Income account to draw from the reserves to pay the people an allowance, while filling the reserve with the Central Bank Infrastructure Money. What they pay you in millions per month, they will exceed by many trillions even when they implement a Universal Basic Income plan.
In God’s Ancient Cities, The Governance Issued Allowance To Citizens.
This money was issued by the Kingdoms. Every citizen got a basic allowance. They seeded money for people to spend at their Kingdom’s businesses. When people have money, they will spend it at your nation’s businesses. That will enrich the economy. Are your countrymen secretly dying of poverty even though it is a first-world, first-class country? It’s happening everywhere…. The people are too poor and too old to be businessmen or capable workers. Let them be consumers. Let them buy from the economy. Seed them money to bolster your country’s economy by letting them consume.
In China Today, The Government Gives All Citizens A Pension.
This is a fact. China’s Government provides for everyone. They don’t let anyone starve. They dare to draw from the reserves. They understand the necessity, especially since they have one-child supporting a whole family. Now, they give every citizen a sustenance pension. No need to rely on children in your old age.
“But Halabuth… what about inflation? If we print incredibly, prices of goods will go up.”
What is the consequence of a rise in prices compared to the survival of your population? People don’t have enough to eat. They are at home dying on instant noodles. They are not afraid of food costing a few more dollars…. What they want is to fill their bellies. To keep prices down, use Price Controls. Ensure consumer surplus. Directly give the people money, and make the goods affordable. That is the secret.
“But who will work? What if everyone has money and does not want to work?”
$1000 USD per month per person is enough to eat and survive, but not enough for the big things of life – do you want to drive a car? Do need to pay home mortgage? Furthermore, everyone is getting old. Many cannot work. They have no sustenance. Your grand daddy and grand mum – they should be happily buying things for the family. Not worrying about whether they have the strength to work or whether businesses won’t hire older workers. Give them a break; give them an allowance. Young adults nowadays can’t afford much money for their parents. They can hardly pay their own mortgage, car loan, and bills.
“Father, can you lend me 10K?” said the son.
“Son, can you lend me $10?” grandpa sighs hungrily.
“Too Many Family Members To Support On Nothing…”
Once you are married, you have great responsibility to take care of your family and your spouse’s family. And do you know what? Your meagre salary can’t support it! Just look at that $2000 you are getting as a competent affordable worker…. Do you know that is only enough to support yourself?! Did you see that you and your spouse have four retired elderly grandparents, four almost retired or non-working parents, and your two children also cost you dearly, plus what about your home mortgage and car loan? YOU CAN’T PAY FOR IT! YOU’RE BUST EVERY MONTH!
It’s good if every family member young and old receives Universal Basic Income of $1000 USD to support themselves. This gives your family of 12 a Universal Basic Income of $12,000 USD to survive. That is 12 people you are trying to shelter and feed on $2000! In Singapore, basic food and utility with no money for shelter costs $1000 SGD per person already. If you can’t make money, YOU’RE FRIED!
Majority Are Turning Octogenarians
Don’t you know the world has an ageing population? Your children are all old children already — all turning octogenarian (80+ years old). What work do you expect them to do? They are dying early because they have no money for sustenance. Give them an allowance to sustain themselves. I suggest $2000 USD for every person now – young and old. The old people will buy their groceries with it. The young people will save up for their future homes with it.
The world has let itself get into a poverty situation even in first-class first-world countries… because they did not calculate and give you enough support to survive a modern family in a modern city. Really governments, please wake up. You know the average citizen needs life sustenance money and you have the power to give it. But something is holding you back. You need to overcome that barrier and reach into your pocket to shell out Universal Basic Income for the people.
Government, so you have all this big infrastructure you’ve built with free money. But do you know the people don’t have enough money in their pockets to flourish your big infrastructure system? You have a dry river; no money flowing in your system to flourish the businesses. The more income your people have, the more they can spend at your nation’s businesses. That is the main logical reason to pump your people money every month – to enrich your economy; to make sure the river does not run dry; to make sure your economy does not crash; to make sure your people don’t die of poverty!
Your world economy will crash if you don’t realise that there is not enough money flowing in your system to support all the big infrastructure you have built. Think of it as a Monopoly game board. You’ve built tons of houses and hotels with the free infrastructure money, but now your players don’t have enough salary to utilise all these beautiful hotels you’ve built! Your hotel is going to go broke operating! You need to put more money into the players’ pockets to ensure they can buy much and flourish the businesses around your board game of life!
People Will Continue To Work
The people who can work, all want to thrive and succeed in life. Just imagine receiving Universal Basic Income and getting paid by your job or self-employed business. That is just so comfortable a living that they will work for the flourishing of their family income. What is the cost of not working? It’s basically lifestyle and luxury. Plus, work is made fun by God. If you like to play everyday – play lawyer; make dynamic arguments in court, play pilot; zoom an airplane into the skies, play programmer; be a techno wizard on the computer, play chef; flip food in your flaming hot wok etc. You need to work. Because work is play for all you adult children. It’s really worth it to seed money to your population because once basic sustenance is met, you will be amazed at what people can do for your country. A beggar will stop begging and start a fundraising charity. A girl will quit bar hostessing and pursue her dream as a singing artist. They just need to cross that survival needs barrier to be confident enough to pursue their dreams.
“What if I can survive on $2000 USD without working? I can play games all day!”
Then go ahead. Be a professional gamer. Compete in competitions. Remember to buy plenty of hotdogs and drinks to fuel your gaming mind. That will bolster the economy. One day, you might open your own Internet Gaming Cafe. Then you can play games while earning gaming computer rental money. It all became possible because you had that $2000 USD Universal Basic Income, that gave you the freedom to become a professional gamer and eventually an Internet Gaming Cafe Boss. Yeah? So people will go further to pursue their dreams and thrive by setting up more creative and interesting businesses and services if they have the freedom from basic survival-sustenance problems. Not look at the newspaper everyday while eating one cup of instant noodles hoping that there will be some moneymaking opportunity?!
Information About The Universal Basic Income Plan Is All Over The Internet
Just search Google for Universal Basic Income. You will find many great minds have written about it already and they are looking to implement it worldwide. Encourage your government to research into and implement Universal Basic Income today!
Watch Universal Basic Income Information Videos On Youtube.
The World Will Be Greatly Enriched Because Of Universal Basic Income.
Poverty Suffering Will Be Totally Relieved Because Of Universal Basic Income.
Universal Basic Income Is God’s Plan To Feed You For Life.
Angel Reader
Magic Cross